Sunday, May 29, 2005

Making Decisions

How do we make decisions when faced with problems, whether it is a life changing one, or daily mundane ones like what to eat for lunch?

As usual, the excellent KnightofPentacles posted on this, he calls it the Thinking Tookit.

I also did some research, and there are some various interesting bits I picked up on this.

The miltary calls it command presence. When there are two passes through a mountain range, and they are both very much equal obstacles, a good commander swiftly declares, "That one, it's obviously better!", and gets everyone moving. If you do not have enough clear criteria to evaluate a situation to your satisfaction, do not waste time evaluating it by ambiguous criteria. If the situation looks very much 50-50, then either choice is as right as right can be.

Then there are those who solves it from the artistic viewpoint. In art, there is something call the "white page syndrome". You have a clean, white canvas, on it your talents enable you to paint anything. So you sit there, awash in the mental miasma of the endless possibilities assailing you. You then stop thinking, and draw a random line, and then based on what this restricts the possibilities to, you can start to build your decision around it.

As for me, I think I am more of letting the solution/decision to present itself. A decision will be made when the dateline of making the decision draws near. Of course the problem with this approach is that usually the better option that I should have opted for, becomes unavailable as the dateline gets closer. Other decisions made tend to be made emotionally, a classic case of letting the heart rules the brain.

But no matter whether it was a best option, or a wrong choice made, I would still make the best of it, and try my best not to regret the decision. We only live this life once, and it is just too short to start regretting all the wrong choices we made.