Sunday, June 26, 2005

Satellite Image of Singapore

Satellite image of Singapore

Why? Nothing. I just found it interesting.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I Choose To Be Happy.

I CHOOSE to be happy.

There. I said it.

Everyone has a choice. They can choose how they will react. It does not matter how bad their situation is, what kind of environment they are in, or whether they are sinking in the deepest and biggest cesspool or shithole, they can choose how they want to react.

The environment, the situation do not control our reaction. We do. We have a choice on our reaction.

So I CHOOSE to be happy.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

You Think I Born Yesterday?

When I shifted to this place less than 2 years ago, I often get teenagers knocking my door at night selling ice cream. The last straw came last year when a teenager knocked on my door close to 11pm asking me to buy ice cream. That was when I told him bluntly how late it was and he should be at home now, and asking him not to disturb me. That stop the frequent ice cream sales.

Until tonight.

This time round, a teenager told me a different story. He is from Temasek Poly, and he is in a race to see who is the fastest to sell off everything. He has 3 left and if he manages to sell them off, he wins. When I asked him what he was selling, he answered, 'ice cream'.

Now, I was not born yesterday. And if he wants to tell a cock and bull story, at least come up with something more convincing. Temasek Poly has a race? On a weekday night? Selling ice cream? He never even mention what the race is for. I had a good mind to ask him to give me a telephone number to call Temasek Poly to verify, wanted to ask him what the race is for. Whether the money goes to charity or not. And where is his identification? I am sure any race, if such thing exists, whether they are selling ice cream or whatever, Temasek Poly will actually provide some kind of identification.

I dismissed him off, slamming the door in his face. Trying to make a honest living by selling ice cream is fine, trying to lie your way through to sell ice cream is not.